Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Put Your Finances In Order - Part 1 of 9

I know that it can be rather stressing but believe me, you'll save money in the end. That is afterall what the goal right? Making your home purchase affordable!

I’m referring to your:

- Tax Returns
- Pay Stubs
- Checking Account Statement
- Savings Account Statements
- Mutual Fund Account Statements, etc.
- Copy of Your Credit Report (which I can give you for free along with an analysis of areas for improvement or how you can eliminate any errors reported)

Having these items ready will make it easier to locate the lowest rate and payment when you’re shopping for your home mortgage. [*Note: we'll talk about shopping around and the dangers of this later.] Be weary of advertisements offering the lowest rate. It’s similar to a Quest for the Holy Grail and all that really happens is you get caught treading water with the predatory loan sharks of the industry.

Now going back to your finances and your credit, it's a good idea to find out what your credit reports say about your financial history. It essentially gives lenders a look at how you manage your finances. To them, your credit report is what they use to determine your risk factor and ultimately your interest rate.

And if it's been awhile since you last looked, you might be surprised at the content of each report because errors are sometimes reported. There are ways you can clear up any mistakes.
Thank You!
Ricardo Bueno - Residential Commercial Construction Investment Advisor
Building Wealth Through Real Estate
You can reach me directly at 323.810.2175

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